23 March 2020 11:11

After a week-long break in the face-to-face education, "distance education"for primary, secondary and senior high school students on TRT-EBA TV and the Education Information Network (EBA) began with the first lecture delivered by the Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk. 
Within the framework of distance education, primary, secondary and senior high school students will receive education via TRT-EBA TV and the Education Information Network (EBA) starting from today.
Within this context, Minister Selçuk addressed parents first on 3 channels of TRT-EBA TV and then gave the first lecture to primary education students at  TRT-EBA TV Primary Schooland TRT-EBA TV Secondary School channels and to senior high school students at TRT-EBA TV.
In his address to parents, Minister Selçuk said that the world has been going through an interesting and tough period, schools are closed for a certain period of time and distance education began upon a decision taken in order to keep people healthy and well.
Noting that even if some hitches might be experienced in the first few days regarding distance education, he is sure that this process will be managed well together, Selçuk said, "Before being Minister of National Education, I am a pedagogue, a teacher. I am a father and a grandfather, too. How children learn, what must be the conditions and opportunities, we know all these and we are working with experienced scientists on these subjects. When we manage this process, we consider all kinds of scenarios and produce solutions for each of them. We have alternative solutions for existing and possible scenarios."
Asking parents to be at ease, Selçuk stressed that it is not possible to offer everything done at the schools in the distance education.
"But you must know that, we will do what needs to be done in their education program," stated Selçuk adding that they expect parents to tutor their children and turn their homes into a classroom. 
Emphasizing that they do not want children to alienate from lessons during this process when they do not go to schools, Selçuk addressed parents: "You will be our greatest supporters in this process to help your children to follow lessons regularly, to do their homework and stay in communication with us. Children must have their breakfasts before the lessons. If they are younger siblings or if there is another child who must listen to another lecture, be sure to keep them in separate rooms. Please be careful not to cause any distraction such as cleaning, listening to music or watching another television channel while your children are taking online lessons. Do not serve any drinks or snacks like milk or fruit while he is listening to the lecture. They have plenty of time for all this. Of course, classes in the distance education will not be as long as the ones at schools. Due to this reason, the best way to fill this gap is to advice your children to read more books."
Selçuk stated that studies show that children who read books are more successful in exams and life adding that due to this reason parents must encourage their children to read more and set an example for them.  
"These are the things I can say about distance education. And of course, there is this coronavirus period we are experiencing," said Minister Selçuk, "Our children are still in a holiday mood. However, they are aware that this holiday is not like other holidays. Due to this reason, they might get bored and worry you. But as an educator, I can comfortably say that boredom may also support a child's curiosity, productivity and imagination and encourage him or her to explore."
Underlining that children really need to feel safe during this process, Selçuk said that parents should talk about the coronavirus in a way that it won't cause any trauma.
Ziya Selçuk went on to say, "Do not forget, talking about the virus all the time, allowing children to watch certain scary scenes on television and your panic may cause serious problems for your children in the future. You must keep calm and make sure to tell your children that this process is under the control of the government and they will be safe as long as they obey required hygiene and virus protection rules. Sometimes, children might develop serious fear because of secondhand information. Please listen to your children, do not judge their views and allow them to express their feelings."
"I think, someone's wish came true" 
Selçuk addressed primary and secondary students from TRT-EBA TV Primary and TRT-EBA TV Secondary School channels.
He recalled that he made sure to ask children if therewas anything he might do for them whenever he visited a school and students usually responded that they wished there were no school, they would rather study at home, breaks would be longer and teachers wouldn't ask them to study all the time. "I think, someone's wish came true," said Minister Selçuk.
Asking students to take responsibility, control their class programs and watch their lessons during the determined times, Selçuk stated, "Our students who are preparing for high school entrance exams (LGS) must not worry during this process. Be calm children. Questions of the exam will be prepared from the classes that you have learned at schools. We will not allow you to suffer in any way. You must focus on your classes and on reading books."   
Selçuk advised students to make sure to do psychical activities at home, play games, read books, pay attention to regular sleep routine and hand hygiene. 
Noting that the first break after the reopening of schools will be 40 minutes, Minister Selçuk said, "there might be more surprises. Take care of yourself and enjoy to be a student at home."
"YKS questions will be prepared from the lessons learned at schools"
Addressing senior high schools student on TRT EBA TV high school channel, Minister Selçuk said the ministry is prepared for all kinds of scenarios about any change in the duration of distance education.
Selçuk said that the ministry has been working in an effort not to cause harm for students and went on to say that: "Students who are preparing for Higher Education Examinations (YKS) must know that questions of the exam will be prepared from the lessons that they have learned at school. But still, you have to strictly follow the classes given at the television and on EBA. Previous lessons will be repeated in these classes. You must think of this process as an opportunity to review your own road map and to learn about the subjects you missed. Students from 11th and 12th grades already know about the Academic Support module in the EBA. I mentioned about it before but let me briefly mention it for the students who do not know about it before. You enter your preferences to the EBA Academic Support module. This module draws you a road map for you to achieve your goal. If you want, you can start from a sketch, if you want you can solve questions and listen to class videos or just solve questions if you think you have done studying." 
Minister Selçuk noted that EBA Academic Support module is also open for private school students and free internet use for EBA classes has been enhanced from 3GB to 8GB.
Asking students to be sure that the ministry has been doing everything in their power to help them, Selçuk said: "Days are long. Of course, we don't expect you to study all day. I do not say that you must not watch TV series but you must have other things in your life. You must take up hobbies suitable for your age. What you do in your free time is as important as lessons you have learned in class will determine your success in life. Please ask yourself! What am I doing in my free time. For example, be sure to read. Read best books possible so that you have a better grasp of life and read life in the right way. Every book you read will make very valuable contribution to your business life in the future, your family life and friends. It is because they will help to express yourself correctly. Watch nice movies, listen high quality music. Tell me about your movie, music advices. I will have the opportunity to catch your spirits."
And a little advice; you must take control of your social media.  Revise your habits. If you want to have a strong personality, you must control your will. I wish to see you at schools again when we complete this process. Do you know what I would do if I was young like you are? I would write about these days and drop a note in history. Don't ask who would read it. I am looking forward to hear about these days in your own words as a drama play, poem or short story. Please write."
Students can follow broadcast streams and lesson programs at TRT-EBA TV andthe "eba.gov.tr" website.