06 March 2023 10:48

The Ministry of National Education, which took every precaution to ensure that the students who experienced the earthquake disaster had access to education, carried out the transfer of 217 thousand 246 students who requested transfer due to the earthquake to other provinces.
Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer drew attention to the fact that students were transferred to 71 cities outside the earthquake provinces upon their request and stressed that Ankara ranks first with the highest number of  student transfers with 29 thousand 738 students. Noting that Ankara followed by Antalya, Mersin, İstanbul and Konya Özer stated that 20 thousand 149 students were transferred to Antalya, 20 thousand 67 to Mersin. Istanbul was the province with the highest number of transfers, with 16 thousand 186 students to İstanbul and 11 thousand 985 students were transferred to Konya.
Özer noted that 8 thousand 685 students transferred to İzmir, 7 thousand 312 students to Kayseri, 6 thousand 537 students to Bursa, 6 thousand 133 students to Muğla and 4 thousand 863 students to Aydın upon their request.
71 thousand 959 students out of 217 thousand 246 were transferred from Hatay to other provinces. Kahramanmaraş ranks second with 52 thousand 908 students. 39 thousand 987 students were transferred from Malatya, 22 thousand 889 students were transferred from Adıyaman, 14 thousand 719 students from Gaziantep, 4 thousand 167 from Osmaniye. 4 thousand 41 students were transferred from Adana, 3 thousand 152 from Diyarbakır, 3 thousand 80 from Şanlıurfa and 344 students from Kilis were transferred to other provinces.
Minister of National Education Özer emphasized that as the Ministry, they will always continue to support children for their access to education. Underlining that they are constantly working on the field with all units to reunite students with their schools and to erase the traces of the disaster as much as they can, Özer stressed that they will continue to offer all kinds of opportunities that students need.